Youth Ministry 4/26/20

Greetings youth warriors!

I miss you and cannot wait to see your face soon. 

If you have not already, I need you to download the Bible app. If you do not currently have the app, please ask your parents before downloading the app.

Next, please join the below week long devotional. For the next five days, take time to read the devotional, related scriptures and journal your thoughts and answer any questions that may be presented.

The relationship that you have with God is your responsibility as young Christian leaders. Take the time to learn more and build your own relationship with God and feel free to reach out to your parents, pastors or youth leaders with any questions.

As always, be good and be blessed! 

Andrea Andrews

Join me in reading Life Talk With God By Izabella Gates:

Join me in reading Life Talk With God By Izabella Gates:

Join me in reading Life Talk With God By Izabella Gates: