Our Mission

The mission of Faith Community Baptist Church is to create a global community of God-loving, Spirit-filled men, women and children operating in faith to restore hope and to empower the lost, lonely, hurting and un-churched in accordance with the Great Commandment and the Great Commission.

We will accomplish this through our focus on:

  • Worship and praise

  • Ministry

  • Evangelism and Outreach

  • Teaching and Discipleship

Our Vision Statement

Our VISION STATEMENT is a road map, indicating what we strive to become and how Faith is going to get us there. Select each letter below and hover over the image to learn more.

Statement of Faith

Faith Community Baptist Church was founded on principles of faith as stated in Hebrews 11:1 “Faith is the substance of things hoped for; the evidence of things not seen,” As believers in Christ Jesus, we profess the following:

  • Triune God-God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit (Col 2:9)

  • We serve a living God who holds all power in heaven and on earth and in the universe (Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscient Powers of God) (Psalms 139)

  • Jesus is the Son of God who died for our sins, rose again on the third day and ascended into heaven to occupy the right side of God the Father (Luke 3:22; Matthew 27,28; Mark 16:19)

  • God is no respecter of persons in that he loves each and every one of us unconditionally. (John 3:16; Acts 10:34)

  • We believe in the Holy Bible, that the Old Testament and the New Testament are inspired words from God, without error or contradictions, and the all-sufficient authority in matters of faith, doctrine and Christian living (2Timothy 1:7; 1Peter 1:5)

  • We believe that we have the Holy Spirit living within us who gives us power to live, act and walk in the authority of Christ Jesus (John 14; 2Timothy 1:7; 1 Peter 1:5)

  • We believe in the Promise God gave to Abraham and his seed and that we are heirs to the promise (Galatians 3:29)