The Daniel Fast

The Daniel Fast is a 21 day shift in dietary and prayer habits that aims to provide a clearer way to hear from God. Rich foods are typically avoided in favor of fruits, vegetables and water in order to be more sensitive to God (the way he speaks to us and moves in our lives). The modern day version of the fast is inspired by Daniel (Daniel 10:2-3 KJV):

In those days I Daniel was mourning three full weeks. I ate no pleasant bread, neither came flesh nor wine in my mouth, neither did I anoint myself at all, till three whole weeks were fulfilled.

It’s important to remember that the focus of this time is to develop a deeper relationship with Christ through prayer and fasting. Many individuals choose to fast an individual item (i.e. caffeine) or a habit (i.e. social media) as opposed to taking on the dietary fast in it’s entirety. Be sure to discuss any changes to your diet or your fitness program with your health care professional FIRST.

Faith Community Baptist Church invites all members, family and friends to participate in the Church Fast beginning January 11th at noon and ending on January 31st at noon. Numerous resources to help you with the fast including meal plans, devotional readings and challenges are available online. Also feel free to reach out to Pastor Kay with questions or for more information.