Highlights for the Week!

The Spiritual Meaning of November, it encourages shadow work, gratitude, and aligning with the Earth’s rhythms. This sacred time, associated with the powerful number 11, supports our journey of self-discovery and the unfolding of our soul’s path.


Thought for the Week!

Gratitude is more than just a nice gesture; it’s a vital part of our spiritual life. It reminds us of God’s goodness and helps us to keep our hearts aligned with His will.

Scripture for the Week!

Jesus was on His way to Jerusalem when He met 10 people with leprosy. Out of His love and sovereignty, He miraculously healed all 10 lepers. However, only one of them returned, praised God, threw themselves on Jesus’ feet, and thanked Him. (Luke 17:11-19)

Prayer for the Week!

Lord, When I feel overwhelmed, help me to focus on the ways You are sustaining me. Teach me to count my blessings, even in adversity, and to trust that You are using these experiences to shape me into the person You have called me to be.