Highlights for the Week!

Thoughts for the Week!

This woman has fought a thousand battles...And is still standing...Has cried a thousand tears...And is still smiling...Has been broken, betrayed, abandon, rejected, but she still walks proud..Laughs loud, lives without fear, loves without doubt. This woman is beautiful. This woman is humble. THIS WOMAN IS ME!!!


Do not judge. You don’t know what storm I’ve ask her to walk through.


Scripture for the Week!

I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord.

Psalm 118:17

Prayers for the Week!

Happy Moments, Praise God
Difficult Moments, Seek God
Painful Moments, Trust God
Every Moment, Thank God

You can’t break a woman who seeks her happiness in God.


Lord, if it’s not YOUR WILL let it slip through my grasp and give me the peace NOT TO WORRY about it. Amen
