Highlights for the week!

Thought for the Week!

You are today where your thoughts have brought you; you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you. James Allen

Scripture for the Week!

Enter His gates with thanksgiving, and His courts with praise! Give thanks to Him; bless His name!”

Psalm 100:4

Prayer for the Week!

Dear God,

“Thank you for all Your blessings and gifts to us. We thank You for the precious gift of family and friends, for all those who are here with us today and those far away. Thank you for Your abundance and grace, for being with us every single day. We thank you for showing us glimpses of heavenly beauty through the eyes of our loved ones, through nature, songs of praise and even the warm sunlight. We are grateful for the roof over our heads and a warm place to sleep every night. Thank you for blessings us with all the food on our table every day. We thank you for those You have brought into our live to lead us, to guide us and to protect us. Thank You for parents, teachers, counselors, and mentors. Lord, bless each of them in a special way today.”