Highlights for the week!

Thought for the Week!

Your Mother’s voice is the first voice you ever heard – even before you were born. Even as a newborn baby, you know your Mother’s voice and prefer her above anyone else. Cherish your Mother and be sure she knows you appreciate everything she does for you. The days are short; love your Mother before time is gone. If your Mother has already gone on before you, take some time to recall memories of her on this Mother’s Day 2020.

Scripture for the Week!

Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee. ~ Exodus 20:12 KJV

Prayer for the Week!

Mother’s Day can bring a mix of emotions for many women. There are those anticipating the birth of their first child, step-moms wondering what their place is, those who have lost their mother and are faced with grieving on Mother’s Day, there are moms who encounter feelings of hurt because their children have turned from God, and those overwhelmed with pain from the loss of a child. Thank God for God-Mothers. No matter what you face this Mother’s Day, you can turn to God and experience peace and healing through prayer.

God, on this Mother’s Day we humbly approach Your Throne of grace asking You to touch the hearts, minds, and bodies of every mother in this world. Grant them healing, love, peace, joy, wisdom, strength and courage. In Jesus name. Amen