Family Worship - Focus on Momentary Inconvenience

You may use the agenda below to have Church Service with your family this Sunday. You can also dial in to 712-775-7035 access code 559056# at 8:30 AM and we can worship together. Also, if desired, please have a piece of bread and beverage ready so that we can take Communion as a group.

FAMILY WORSHIP & COMMUNION - A Momentary Inconvenience

Sunday, April 5, 2020, 8:30 AM

Worship Leader: A Family Member



All in His Plan - LeAndrea Johnson


The Lord is in our home, He is blessing us, keeping us healthy and still. In Jesus Name. Amen


(Prayer inviting God to your worship)

Select a family member/an invited person to do this.


Romans 8:28; Psalm 30:5


Pray for all families to meet their household income, those applying for unemployment to come to them in a timely manner, patience for this extension, medical supplies and continue to pray for our children as they are doing homeschooling. Pray for our country, your family and your church family.


I greet you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we know despite this momentary inconvenience that God is in control.


Pray over Your Offering


Pay your Tithes and Offerings online at


Mail To:

Faith Community Baptist Church

PO Box 200160

Denver, CO 80220


Intentional - Travis Greene


(The momentary Inconvenience of plagues upon the Egyptians that God’s people had to endure)

Romans 8:28 And we know [with great confidence] that God [who is deeply concerned about us] causes all things to work together [as a plan] for good for those who love God, to those who are called according to His plan and purpose.

What do you think this scripture means?  Answer the question before looking at the response.

God works all things together for good – both for His good and for our good.

This scripture contrasts a life lived selfish, in the (flesh) and accordance with God (the spirit).  Paul impresses upon readers that our God is all-knowing, all-wise and all-powerful.  Those who love and trust His goodness, His power, and His will, to work out all things for our good.  When we walk with Him.

This doesn’t mean that all things are good, some things and events are decidedly bad, but God is able to work them together for good.  He sees the big picture.

Do you have an example of that?                      

What extreme situation have you found yourself in that God worked out for your good?

It doesn’t mean we will acquire all that we want or desire.

Since His plan is always good, we can be confident that no matter what the circumstance or event, God will conclude things according to His plan.  (Isaiah 46:10) Even when things are chaotic and out of control, God is still in charge.

Psalm 30:5  

Struggle is only temporary, if we hold on to God’s unchanging hand, joy, overwhelming favor comes in the morning.

(Momentary Inconveniences for God’s People)

  • Exodus 7:14-24 Water to blood

  • Exodus 7:25-8:15 Frogs

  • Exodus 8:16-19 Lice

  • Exodus 8:20-32 Flies

  • Exodus 9:1-7 Pestilence

  • Exodus 9:8-12 Boils

  • Exodus 9:13-35 Hail and Fire

  • Exodus 10:1-20 Locust

  • Exodus 10:21-29 Darkness for 3 days

  • Exodus 11:1-12:36 Death Angel (firstborn)

Through all of this, the children of Israel experienced different levels of inconvenience.  With each trial the struggles got stronger, the test became harder.  But everything worked out for the good of those that loved the Lord, and they did not leave empty handed! Exodus 3:21 (KJV)


Accepting Jesus as your Savior “Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved” (Romans 10:13). (Invite Jesus into your heart now) God keeps His Word! When we pray a prayer like this God answers it. You called on the Lord just now and He said “YOU WOULD BE SAVED.” 1 John 5:13 – “These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life.” “Do you now believe in Jesus, the Son of God? (If you say Yes) Then God’s Word says you now have eternal life.” For more information please call our Church Office @ 303-873-9622 and ask for Pastor Kay


Pastor Kay and Pastor Doug have blessed Communion for all of us. You may at this time serve it to your family.


Better Days - LeAndria Johnson


The Lord’s Prayer

Join us for Bible Study every Wednesday night at 7:00 PM via conference call. Dial in to 712-775-7035 access code 559056#.