Highlights for the Week!

April symbolizes a season of renewal and blossoming. Welcome positive changes in your life. Embrace opportunities for growth and transformation.

Thought for the Week!

“April’s embrace is a gentle reminder that life is ever-changing.”

Scripture for the Week!

“We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.”

Romans 6:4

Prayer for the Week!

God, letting go of the old when you don’t know what’s next is painful, but it’s time to embrace the newness in your life. It’s not a coincidence that April is the first full month of the spring season, a season of new beginnings and growth. And it’s also not a coincidence that Jesus Christ was resurrected in April, a symbol of new life and hope. Amen.