Youth Ministry 4/12/20

Morning parents and faith youth! Our prayer is that you and your families are well. This week we want you all to check in with one another. Along with spiritual well being, it’s important to also focus on your family's mental well being.

I miss all of your smiling faces and can’t wait to see you soon.

Warm regards,
Andrea Andrews


“The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty.” ~ Proverbs 21:5 NIV

“Failing to plan, is planning to fail.” ~ Benjamin Franklin

Activity: Staying Active with Stretching

Make sure you are staying active as a family. Take time to stretch as a family unit. The following video will help you stretch as a family.

Activity: A Family Meeting

This activity is meant to be shared as a family. You can allow the kids to journal their response or outline their key points first and then discuss  or have an impromptu family discussion:

Questions for your children:

  1. How are you holding up during this time?

  2. What have you  been doing to keep yourself in a good place?

  3. What have been some of your challenges?

As a family discuss the following:

  1. Share ideas for maintaining some normalcy. Develop a list of ideas and try a couple over the coming weeks.


  • Going for walks with family

  • If you have a backyard, taking your classes from outside to change the scenery and get some air.

  • Dedicated theme night, like Friday is family “Movie Night.”

  1. Do you have scheduled routines for the week?

Routine Suggestions for your kids:

Below is a loosely crafted routine that you can adapt for your family.

Morning Routine

  • Get up at least one hour before school

  • Handle normal morning hygiene practices

    • Brush teeth

    • Comb hair

    • Wash face 

    • Shower (can also be a pm activity)

  • Make sure you have everything you need ready for class.

  • Online learning 

Afternoon Routine

  • Set aside an hour or more to get your class work done on a daily basis, so that you don't fall behind.

  • Playtime

  • Help around the house

    • Take out the trash.

    • Wash dishes.

    • Set the table for dinner, and/or breakfast.

    • Pick-up things left on the floor

    • Clean your room without your parents asking

Evening Routine

  • Ask to help with dinner

  • Gather all the ingredients for dinner

  • Make sure the needed utensils are clean and available for dinner preparation

  • Family time

  • Journal

  • Read 

  • Evening hygiene practices 

    • Brush teeth

    • Shower (can also be an am activity)

    • Get ready for bed


  • Get a good night's rest.

  • Consistency is key to maintaining a sense of normalcy.

  • Check on your family members both in and outside the house (Phone calls, txt, or email them).