Highlights for the Week!

Women’s Month April 2022
Theme: Women Demonstrating Faith

Thought for the Week!

Our Faith Family is founded on Faith, joined in love and kept by God.


Scripture for the Week!

She is far more precious than jewels.

Proverbs 31:10

Prayer for the Week!

Lord, it is not always easy to align our minds with the mind of Christ. It is often very hard to see trials in a positive light, and to embrace the various tests we have to go through as a thing to be highly prized, and yet Your Word tells us that life’s difficulties sharpen our faith, while developing our trust in the Lord, which is more precious to You than much fine gold. Give me a heart that understands and chooses to look at trials and tests from Your perspective, so that the testing of my faith may bring forth the righteous fruit of love and grace. I ask this in the name of Jesus, Amen.