Highlights for the Week!

Women’s Month April 2022
Theme: Women Demonstrating Faith

Thought for the Week!

I am a strong believer that we were put on this earth to serve God and to spread His word.


Scripture for the Week!

Faith can move mountains.

Matthew 17:20

Prayer for the Week!

Thank You, Father, that You have promised that the testing of our faith produces perseverance and steadfastness, which in time will bring forth the beautiful Christ like character that You so desire in all Your children, but which all too often I personally seek to avoid, or regard as a time of bitter struggle. Help me Lord, to embrace any trials that You see fit to enter my life. Help me to look at the difficulties that engulf me with Your eyes, and give me an eternal perspective on all the problems I may be called upon to face, so that I may count it all joy when I am confronted with various trials, knowing that the testing of my faith produces the godly fruit of patience. Help me Lord, to use those times of testing as an opportunity to grow in grace, and as a springboard to develop a deeper and more secure relationship with You. In Jesus Name pray. Amen.