Highlights for the Week!

The spiritual meaning of the month of March is about starting over. The month begins with the spring equinox, when day and night are equal. This signifies a time to start fresh and make changes in your life. March also brings us St. Patrick’s Day, which is known as a holiday that celebrates beginnings.

Thought for the Week!

Seed-faith is sowing what you have been given to create what you have been promised.

Scripture for the Week!

Above all else, guard your heart,
for everything you do flows from it.

Proverbs 4:23

Prayer for the Week!

“Father, thank you for carrying us through life’s winter seasons and for bringing us into new springtime seasons of hope. Thank you for the lessons you teach us in the winter seasons: lessons like endurance, rest, perseverance and trust. Thank You for the blessing You have prepared for the season ahead. Most of all, thank you that your character and love never change. Amen.”