Highlights for the Week!

October Symbolism: Abundance And Prosperity

Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong.
1 Corinthians 16:13

Thoughts for the Week!

Faith and prayer are the vitamins of the soul; man cannot live in health without them.
Mahalia Jackson

“Faith is putting all your eggs in God’s basket, then counting your blessings before they hatch.”
Ramona C. Carroll

Scripture for the Week!

Then He spoke a parable to them, that men always ought to pray and not lose heart,

Luke 18:1

Prayers for the Week!

“Is prayer your steering wheel or your spare tire?”
Corrie ten Boom

“If your day is hemmed in with prayer, it is less likely to come unraveled.”
Cynthia Lewis

God help me to a prayer warrior and be my steering wheel. God help me to have my days hemmed in with prayer. In Jesus name. Amen.